Welcome to the City of Bastrop

City of Bastrop, Louisiana

Boards & Commissions


Historic District Commission

The Bastrop Historic District Commission is an organization of seven community volunteers appointed by the City Council to help govern the laws of the City of Bastrop Historic District.  Enacted June 1999, the  Historic District Ordinance regulates construction of or changes to buildings located in the Historic District in order to preserve their original character.  For regulations regarding the Historic District, interested persons are welcome to view the City’s Historic District Ordinance.  For projects in the Historic District first apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness.

Meetings – 1st Tuesday of every month and all meetings are open to the public.

Planning & Zoning Commission ​

The Bastrop Planning and Zoning Commission is an organization of seven community volunteers appointed by the City Council to help govern the laws of the City of Bastrop Zoning and Development Code enacted July 2011, regulates construction and uses of buildings in the City of Bastrop.

Meetings – 3rd Monday of every month and all meetings are open to the public.

City of Bastrop, Louisiana

Zoning Adjustment Board ​

The Zoning Adjustment Board consists of five member community volunteers appointed by the City Council to hear appeal cases of applications not approved by the Bastrop Planning and Zoning Commission.  For questions regarding the appeal process please refer to the Zoning and Development Code.

Meetings – as needed, and all meetings are open to the public.

The Bastrop Fire and Police Civil Service Board ​

The Board is comprised of five members, two of which are elected from the Fire and Police departments. Three members are appointed by the Mayor. The Civil Service Board hears  employee appeals of actions taken by Department Heads or the Appointing Authority and approves changes to Personnel Rules and Job Classification plans.

The Civil Service Board meets as called upon by the chairman or on a quarterly basis and is open to the public.