Welcome to the City of Bastrop

City of Bastrop, Louisiana

Job Openings

City of Bastrop Job Openings

For jobs within the City of Bastrop, but NOT within Bastrop Police Department or Fire Department, please submit Applications at City Hall to City Clerk’s Office  or call 318-283-0250 to inquire about job opportunities.


Mail-In or Drop-off Application Instructions

Make copies and mail or drop-off to address below.

Note : There is an application deadline and it is shown on the test schedule.  Your application must be received by 5 p.m. on the application deadline.

Mail or bring applications for Fire Department to

Mail or bring applications for Police Department to

The process for becoming a civil service employee with the Fire or Police Departments:

  1. Complete the civil service application and
  2. Complete mail-in or drop-off application submission instructions above and
  3. Complete and pass the civil service test (civil service test dates for Fire or Police)